We Demystify Analytics.

It’s easy to throw around buzz words. Machine learning. Means testing. We’re business people who know analytics and can explain it in laymen’s terms. No need for the Wizard of Oz curtain.

We’ll explain it in a way that you can relay to your organization so the insights will get traction rather than sitting on a shelf.

We work with you on your analytics journey.

We’ll help you understand what analytic capabilities will make the most immediate impact on your bottom-line without requiring exorbitant up-front investment.

Building analytical capabilities is a journey and one size does not fit all. Let us help you develop a roadmap for your organization based on the decisions you make, the data you have, and your organization’s budget and support.

We have done it before.

You won’t be working with analysts straight out of school. You won’t be working with academics without real world experience. You’ll be working with individuals who have developed and led analytics practices at world-class businesses.

We have done it successfully before and look forward to partnering with you to take your organization to the next level.

Meet Our Team

Julia Andrle
Julia founded Logosphere in 2016 to help companies leverage analytics to realize their full marketing potential. Prior to Logosphere, she started and led the marketing analytics practice at Chick-fil-A headquarters. She began her career in strategic consulting at The Boston Consulting Group. Julia holds an MBA from Emory University where she was a Woodruff Fellow and a BA in Economics from Vanderbilt University where she was a Lanier Scholar.

Take Charge of Your Analytics

Whether you’re trying to figure out how to start using analytics or take your organization’s robust capabilities to the next level, we’re here to help.

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